Wide Bay
10th Anniversary Show & Shine Celebrations
Saturday, 15 June 2024 - BBQ Dinner
Sunday, 16 June 2024 - Show and Shine Festivities
Waverley Cameron's - 22 Sea Eagle Drive Yengarie

Saturday - 15 June 2024 - 5.00 pm
The Event will kick off at 5 pm with BYO Drinks and Nibbles. Meanwhile, Club Chef Supremo, Graham Orr will be tending to a Pig on a Spit with vegetables. That will be followed by one of Graham's Desserts.
Sunday - 16 June 2024 - 8:30 am
Once again, Graham will be providing a Lite Brunch.
BYO beverages (glasses will be provided)
However, all day Tea & Coffee will be available on Both days.
The Cost
For all of the above, the cost will be $30 per head, payable in CASH.
Suggested Accommodation
Members, requiring accommodation shall make their own arrangements with suggestions being:
The Tiaro Motel - 45 Mayne Street, Tiaro,
Telephone: (07) 4193 9363 - Contact Trevor or Justin and use the reference "Waverley's Weekend" the get the special rate of $115/night (per couple) 16 rooms have been reserved on a "first-in best dressed" basis and will be available until 1 June. Of the 16 rooms, at this time, only 3 are available for Saturday night and 5 are available for Sunday night.
Carriers Arms Hotel-Motel - 405 Alice Street, Maryborough,
Telephone: (07) 4122 6666
McNevins Maryborough Motel - 188 John Street, Maryborough, Telephone: (07) 4122 2888
Sunday Night Dinner
Sunday night dinner is being organized (at Member's expense) at the Royal Hotel - 38 Mayne Street. Tiaro. A courtesy bus will be provided from the Tiaro Motel.
For catering purposes, registration is essential and must be made by Thursday, 6 June.
To Register, click on the Registration Button.
When registering, you will need to indicate if you will be:
- attending the Barbeque on Saturday 15 June, in the evening and the Show and Shine Festivities on Sunday 16 June, or
- if you will just be attending the Show and Shine Festivities on the Sunday.
If you are planning to drive up on the Sunday, some members will be meeting at 7 am at the BP Service Station at Burpengary from where they will depart at 7:30 am to drive in convoy to the Show and Shine location - 22 Sea Eagle Drive, Yengarie - the home of Waverley Cameron. Please indicate when registering if you plan to join the convoy by checking the box provided for that option.
Registration is essential and must be completed by Thursday, 6 June 2024
For more information, call:
Kay on 0428 592 044
or Waverley on 0418 755 387
For assistance with registration, contact:
Doug Robbins on 0417 714 723 or
email to clubruns@mbcq.com.au