Mercedes-Benz Club of Queensland

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Monthly Run "February at the Apollonian"

  • 21 Feb 2021
  • 11:30 AM


Registration is closed

Monthly Run “February at the 

The historic Apollonian Hotel was constructed in the heyday of the 1870’s Gympie Gold Rush and in 1987 was moved to the picturesque village of Boreen Point on the shores of Lake Cootharaba. Gold was discovered in Gympie by James Nash in 1867. Within ten months a well known English comedian and vocalist named Robert (Billy) Barlow had built, ‘Barlow’s Apollonian Philharmonic Music Hall Hotel’ established on 18th September, 1868 and situated at 43 Apollonian Vale, Gympie. The word ‘apollonian’ comes from the ancient Greek sun god, Apollo, god of theatre and music. It was subsequently renamed, ‘Barlow’s Apollonian Hotel and Music Hall,’ ‘Taylor’s Apollonian Music Hall Hotel’ and finally just ‘Apollonian Hotel.’ 

  • Upon arrival, members will be directed to park their cars on the front lawn of the hotel.
  • BYO: Morning tea with tables and chairs
  • Cost: $30/person for a two course alternate drop lunch and $12/child (under 12yrs)
  • Maximum Number: 100

Meet at Maroochy Bushland Botanic Gardens, Tanawha [UBD Sunshine Coast Map 77 P18] for morning tea with a 10:15am departure for 11:30am arrival at Apollonian Hotel, 19 Laguna St, Boreen Point [UBD Sunshine Coast Map 2 A4]. 

Deadline for payment is Friday 12th February.  For bookings and payment contact Terry Phillip on 0488 049 497or by email:

Payment can be made directly to the club’s account: Mercedes Benz Club of Qld Inc, BSB 484-799, A/C 200009415 with the reference Membership No/Surname/Feb.

Advertise with Super Star … the official magazine of the Mercedes-Benz Club of Queensland. The life of your brand, your image, and your advert, goes a long way!

Mercedes-Benz Club of Queensland Inc.  |  ABN 28 385 830 513  |  PO Box 362, Spring Hill, QLD 4004

The MBCQ is officially affiliated with the Mercedes-Benz Classic Car Clubs International, a division of 
Mercedes-Benz Classic, Mercedes-Benz Group AG, Stuttgart Germany.

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