Amazingly, it is already a year since we had our first "Celebration of Mercedes-Benz" which was such a resounding success with 300+ member cars attending our inaugural event.
The Committee has planned another very special and exciting “CELEBRATION OF MERCEDES-BENZ 2019”; one we hope will be bigger and better this year. We cordially invites all members, guests, Mums and Dads, family and friends to join this major event on the Club's calendar. The event is also open to the general public and entry is free.
- TIME: 9.00am - 2.00pm
- VENUE: Kedron AFL Club grounds, Sixth Avenue, Kedron.
Our aspiration for Celebration 2019 is the same as last year and indeed very simple - we want ALL members to bring ALL their cars, regardless of condition, to this day of celebrating our amazing three-point star. If you own more than one Mercedes-Benz, please start making plans to get help from your partner, children, parents and friends to drive your cars to Celebration.2019.
Of course, we will incorporate a ‘Concours’ component into the day to continue this proud Club tradition. The "Star Class" for 2019 will be the W126 Series Saloons and Coupes which celebrate 50 years since release. I will write to you separately with details of the Club's 45th Mercedes-Benz Concourse d'Elegance to be held in conjunction with Celebration 2019.
Our last Superstar magazine had a teaser about what you can expect this year and there will be a lot more information about Celebration 2019 in the next edition due in the first week of August.
As we did last year, there will be plenty of attractions, activities, displays and facilities to entertain adults and children of all ages. All these proved to be very popular with members and guests, however we have also made a number of new additions and improvements based on feedback received:
- New Optional Electronic Registration and Payment for Concours Entrants
- New Entry gate for Concours vehicles.
- Refreshed rules and judging processes including earlier start and finishing of judging.
- Better grouping and parking of Display Cars
- Better Award presentation.
- More Shaded Areas On and Off the Oval
- New Live Band, performing at the rear of the ACT for KIDS playground area, from 10:00am to 2:00pm
- Fund Raiser of Limited Edition “Celebration 2019” Collector's Edition Individually Numbered Framable Quality Posters
This is an exciting time for our Club as we prepare for Celebration 2019. If members would like to volunteer your help either before or on the day, or have any questions or comments about this year's Celebration, please drop a note to celebration@mbclubqld.com